F169030 F181010 tlačovej hlavy Tlačovej Hlavy Epson CX3700 600F CX550 TX300F ME2 ME200 ME30 ME300 ME33 TX300 TX105 TX100 L201 L100

F169030 F181010 tlačovej hlavy Tlačovej Hlavy Epson CX3700 600F CX550 TX300F ME2 ME200 ME30 ME300 ME33 TX300 TX105 TX100 L201 L100

F169030 F181010 tlačovej hlavy Tlačovej Hlavy Epson CX3700 600F CX550 TX300F ME2 ME200 ME30 ME300 ME33 TX300 TX105 TX100 L201 L100

  • €10.74


Štítky: dvojité xp600 tlačovej hlavy, vedúci qy6 0082, dx5, epson l3150, tlačová tx800, l1300, epson tlačiareň, tlačová hlava epson, fa04010 kábel, epson l3110.

  • Tryska Farba 2: Šedé= Trieda B kvality
  • QTY: 1pc
  • Názov Značky: OKLILI
  • Položka: Tlačovej Hlavy Tlačiť Vedúci Tlačiarne Vedúci
  • OEM kód / Part No: F169030 F181010
  • Originálny alebo Kompatibilný: ORIGINÁLNE ZREKONŠTRUOVANÝ
  • Model Číslo 1: ME2 ME200 620F ME30 ME300 ME33 ME330 ME350 ME360 TX300 CX3700 CX5600
  • Model Číslo 2: ME510 600F L101 L201 L100 ME32 C90 T11 T13 T20E L200 ME340 CX550
  • Číslo Modelu: TX133 CX3900 CX4300 SX130 TX117 620F TX300F TX100 TX101 TX110 TX111
  • Napätie: 220V
  • Tryska Farba 1: Zlaté= Stupňa kvality
  • Model Číslo 3: TX300F TX100 TX101 TX105 TX110 TX111 TX121
Fabioemarie 2020-11-29

The head came, waited about a month, in general not long. And so, the result describes: received in the mail, in the evening after working with inspiration flew home to put it in a printer that,, rested,, two years. putting his head, pumped the ink, made a test, black-, blue-bad, and the others are bad. Did a re-pumping, result zero. I will not describe the details, because for a long time, printed, printed, Soaking his head for a day, and that's only the day (the third day) the result is, of course, not perfect, by black color,, but progress is, Duz,, wake up,, slow, but they're starting to live. Let's see what happens next. P.S. I print every day, almost every hour, after printing two, three Sheets I do cleaning and test .. then I'll add a review

Aleks Bask 2020-12-20

I did not check yet, but the package was at a very good level.

Mursik 88 2020-09-27

On the test there is a couple not working Duz but when printing the photo is not noticeable. And this is the result after cleaning Duz several times. Maybe in the future will disappear. The goods reached a normal time.

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